Map of Referenced Machu Picchu Locations

View Machu Picchu Sites in a larger map

Map of locations described in Steve’s Guide to Cuzco and Machu Picchu

Map of Referenced Cuzco Locations

View Important Cuzco Travel Sites in a larger map

Map of locations described in Steve’s Guide to Cuzco and Machu Picchu

Cuzco and Machu Picchu Guide

I first visited Cuzco and Machu Picchu as part of a six month trip throughout South America in 1976.  That experience was great.  I saw fantastic places, worked through challenging situations, and learned a lot about myself through experiencing other cultures, the people and their history.  And, I got to spend time and learn from some very interesting and broadening fellow travelers from all over the world.

Wanting my family to experience some of what I did, we traveled to Cuzco and Machu Picchu.  Machu Picchu is one of the “Seven Wonders of World” and is a truly amazing place.  Cuzco is a great colonial city with wonderful Incan and Spanish history.  This was to be our first family trip to a developing country.

I wrote this book when, after our trip, a friend commented “I’ve always wanted to go there, but was intimidated and felt it was too expensive.”  Given that kick, I wrote this ebook.  It answers everything I wanted to know when planning our trip but could not practically find in guide books or on the web.  And, I added tips and experiences learned from the trip that will simplify your trip, making it safer, less expensive and more enjoyable.

Pick it up.  It is an amazing adventure and you can do it.

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